bullishbounty Soprano Aleksandra Olczyk sings "Queen of the Night" from The Magic Flute in a Paris restaurant. [📹 itsjuliencohen] #bullishbounty…
A vertical wind tunnel (VWT) is a wind tunnel that moves air up in a vertical column. Its vertical orientation enables gravity to be countered by drag instead of lift,
This not-for-the-faint-of-heart structure is called Tianti (“Sky Ladder” in Chinese). Located on Mount Qixing in Zhangjiajie Nature Park, it clocks in at 551 feet long
The lion's mane jellyfish is the largest known species of jellyfish, with tentacles as long as 30 meters (100 feet). [📹 Andrii Slonchak]…
The 1989 BMW Z1 was unique for its vertically sliding doors which drop into the door sills. [📹puftalkscars]…
La Fenice opera house in Venice, was built in 1792 by the architect Giannantonio Selva. "Fenice" means phoenix: the theater was named after the mythical creature as it
Just one dragonfly can consume over 100 mosquitos in a day Dragonflies can fly backwards They have nearly 360° vision Their wings inhibit bacterial growth due to their natural structures
bullishbounty Andreas, known as Mr. NYC Subway, is a self-taught New York artist celebrated for his striking subway photography. [📸 mrnycsubway] #bullishbounty…
Cloud Station ⚭ KN#33 travel center pt 2. A brilliant visionary concept by VFX artist Fredrik Jonsson. [🎞️ aim_not_here]…
A clever audio visualizer that uses ferrofluid and electromagnets to dance with the music. [📹 Goussve Tech]…