This stunning, large electrical storm during the first hours of the Calbuco volcano eruption [📸 Francisco Negroni, long exposure]…
Nvidia revealed that the Las Vegas Sphere is powered by 150 RTX A6000 GPUs, with 48 GB of video memory each. All this hardware drives 1.2 million LED panels
Mammatus clouds are cellular patterns of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, typically a cumulonimbus raincloud. The name derives from the Latin mamma (meaning "udder" or
An amazing example of the subsun optical phenomenon, caused by sunlight reflecting off tiny ice crystals in the atmosphere. [📹 Gaby Chavez]…
bullishbounty How raspberry ice cream was made in 1890 [📹 Forest Preserve District of DuPage County] #bullishbounty…
The M134 Minigun is a six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (up to 6,000 rounds per minute). Used with tracers, it has a definitely