By Fascinating — Oct 31, 2024 Wildlife fact: bears love dandelions. While carnivorous, bears like the yellow flower, which are full of protein and carbohydrates, are sweet, and full of vitamins as well.[📹 khgrizzlybearrefuge]
How the disaster started in Valencia before the inhabitants even got any warning. [📹 GuillemValenci]…
Bian Lian is an ancient Chinese dramatic art. Typically, performers change from one face to another almost instantaneously with the swipe of a fan, a movement of the head, or
The heliosphere is the outermost layer of the Solar System and protects the planets from powerful cosmic events like supernovae. This artist’s visualization shows its possible shape [📹 Star Walk]
The queue to summit Mt. Everest yesterday. Approximately 800 people attempt to climb Everest annually. The causes of the jams are all related to the short weather windows, the date